Bharati Vedak

Founder of Serene Souls

Our Team
Company Information
Name Serene Souls

At Serene Souls we have Certified Art Therapy Practioners, who help people to address and work on their mental and emotional challanges, 
which vary for people of different age groups, and as per their work and lifestyle.
We help you to reduce your challages with Art Therapy Techniques, for which you are not required to have any articstic background. 
For this We work help with personal sessions, we conduct Group Art Therapy Workshops for various types of Groups
Our Mandala Artists conduct online/offline Mandala Art Drawing Workshops, which are Calming, helpful for focus, creativity and concentration
Our Mandala Art Frames can enhace the beauty of walls of any space.
Our Mandala Art Tote bags are like and used by many

Our Mission

We would like to help maximum number of people, all over globe, to be able to address  their emotional chaallanges and have better life.
We would love to Spread Our Ancient Art Form of Mandala Art, all over globe, through our Mandala Art Drawing Workshops and our Mandala Products