Pt Sanjay Sharma

Get All Astrology Solutions under one Roof

Our Team
Company Information
Name Pandit Sanjay Sharma (Shastri)

#162 Sector 38 C Chandigarh

In Shri Jagadamba Jyotish Office,all kinds of troubles are solved with great understanding and with Sanatan method like
Business interruption
Planetary union
Mental trouble etc. 
Remedies will be done from Sanatan Padati so that you can get success in your work as soon as possible.


Mahamrityjay Jaap
Gayatri Jaap
Durga Stuti  
shri madbhagwat  
Kaal Sarp Dosh  
Gand Mool Shanti  
All types of Pooja and Havans are done by the learned Brahmins in a lawful manner.

Our Mission

“I Will Deferentially Heal Your Any Problem, Its my Promise.”

To create eminent Astrologers.
To spread Astrology through workshop, classes, books & online contents.
To unite like-minted people.

To make prediction through simple method.
To make prediction through relevant time.
To find the immediate solution.